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A man named Julian La Cosse (Devon Graye) was charged with her murder, and he called Mickey to represent him — on Empíreo's advice. He says he's innocent and Empíreo was his friend, and she told him to call Mickey if he ever got in trouble.

Lorna's journey to getting her law license is one of the focal points of her story in Season 3 while also helping Mickey sort out his past.

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), who will play Judge Regina Turner. Regina is a former public defender described Ganador someone who's "younger and more progressive than most judges in the district".

Con drama legal, giros impactantes y Mickey Haller en un tipo de problema justo totalmente nuevo, esta temporada promete mantenernos pegados a nuestras pantallas. Vamos a sumergirnos en todo lo que sabemos hasta ahora.

Gracias a otra prostituta, se entera de que Glory fue presionada por el agente de la DEA James De Situación (Michael Irby) para colocar un arsenal relacionada con un triple homicidio en casa de Moya, y Vencedorí conseguir su condena perpetua.

In the Menendez case, Griggs reveals that Jésus disposed of a knife similar to the murder weapon. Mickey successfully argues that Lawson drunkenly entered the wrong house after being roofied. Juggling law school and work, Lorna learns that Professor Wheaton, the instructor who hit on her, is the school's interim dean, and Cisco picks up a Road Saints member, Kaz, from prison, returning him to the gang. Lawson surprises Mickey at home, having staged his arrest to secure Mickey Campeón his attorney, and reveals himself Vencedor the Positivo killer in the Menendez case.

En los minutos finales del capítulo 6 de la segunda temporada el protagonista observa un anuncio en una parada de autobús en donde se publicitan sus servicios de abogado, recordando la forma en que promocionaba sus servicios Saul Goodman en la serie Better Call Saul.

Esta temporada promete ahondar más en el personaje de Mickey, explorando sus vulnerabilidades mientras lucha por demostrar su inocencia y aclarar la conspiración que lo ha llevado a una situación tan desesperada.

Mickey continues to have feelings for Lisa, who reluctantly agrees to contact Jeff to help their case. Henry's podcast about Bondurant's murder has launched, leading Mickey to file an injunction, and Izzy reveals Rae is short on money. Mickey receives a call from Jeff, who declines to testify for either side. Cisco saves the Road Saints from an ATF raid, declaring that he and Kaz are done with the gang. Bondurant's receptionist testifies that she saw Lisa approaching Bondurant's building on the day of the murder; Mickey successfully shoots down her testimony, only for Mújol to privately admit she was there.

A disgruntled neighbor testifies about Lisa's violent fights with Jeff, but Mickey reveals that the neighbor lost trasnochado on a million-dollar deal due to Lisa's refusal to sell her property to Bondurant. Mickey also introduces video proving Bondurant was the aggressor in the photo taken by Kim, whom Mújol's employee René seems to recognize. Lorna helps Izzy prove she was discriminated against, securing her new studio. Freemann calls on Henry, who provides an interview with Mújol proving she knew where Bondurant parked his car, the scene of his murder. Pasado of options, Mickey calls Mújol to the stand.

Mújol maintains her innocence from jail, but video of her interrogation leaves Mickey concerned. At Mújol's arraignment, Mickey is taunted by prosecutor Andrea Freemann, Maggie's friend, and he provides Mújol with a contract to her life rights to cover her $2 million bail. Lorna Cual es el precio de un abogado penalista confides her worries about Cisco to Izzy, and Mújol is bailed demodé by Henry Dahl, a true crime podcaster, but Mickey refuses to allow him to produce a series about Mújol. Lorna confronts Cisco, who admits that Kaz protected him from being arrested for a drug run and went to prison instead.

A drug rehabilitated lawyer with two ex-wives a daughter and penchant for cars is thrust front-and-centre into a Como se debe pagar a un abogado high profile case following the death of a friend. This comes complete with a practice and more secondary cases than he Gozque cope with.

Somos un Corro de escritores y críticos obsesivos y con los Fanales abiertos a quienes les encanta expresar nuestros puntos de aspecto y opiniones sobre las cosas de las que no Cuanto se le paga a un abogado por un caso podemos tener suficiente ¡Únase a nosotros en nuestra aventura épica!

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